
Bhonsala Military School    29-Nov-2019
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A) Bhavan (Hostel)
There are a total of 14 Bhavan in which the students are accommodated. The students are divided into three groups as per their age viz., sub junior ( Class VI & VII) junior ( Class VIII, IX & X ) and Seniors ( Class XI & XII ) Each student is provided with a cot, a cupboard and study furniture in the Bhavan, Each Bhavan is looked after by a Bhavan master, who is responsible for the inmates of the Bhavan. A senior Bhavan master is  Incharge of all the Bhavan's. Parents are not permitted into the bhavans for the reasons of safety and security of the students
B) Ramdandee Mess
All the students dine in a common mess. ( There is a separate mess for senior classes) The mess caters for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. The mess provides morning tea, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea & snacks and dinner to the students at the specified timing. Attendance is compulsory at each meal. Though the mess is run by a contractor, the school has appointed a mess manager to supervise the working of the mess and to look after the arrangements. Samples of each meal are sent daily to the Commandant for tasting to ensure the quality of cooking. The menu served is general and nourishing in nature for the needs of growing children. Regular mess meeting is held by the school authorities with the representatives of the students to know their problems about the mess, and changes in the menu are discussed with them. No eatables from outside are permitted to be brought in the mess.
C) Computer Lab
A modern computer lab having multimedia facility is available in the school. There is a plan to give the internet facility to all students.
D) Library
The academic section has a well-equipped library, which subscribes to a number of newspapers and periodicals.
E) Cinema
The students are shown cinema in the school auditorium on alternate Saturdays. Limited television viewing is arranged for the students.
F) Balaji Health Centre
The School has a health centre, which is looked after by a part time medical officer and a full time medical attendant. The health centre caters to first aid preliminary health care. It has eight beds and an isolation ward. Serious cases are referred to experts from outside. Intimation about serious cases is sent promptly to the parents.
G) Telephone
STD facility will be available daily. Incoming calls may be made as per the routine given in the conspectus.
H) Scholarship
A number of scholarships for deserving students instituted by the State Governments and the Society are available, details about which may be obtained if required, from the school authorities. The K.C. Mahindra Education Foundation has also instituted some Scholarships.
I) Prize
To motivate the students to excel themselves, a number of prizes have been instituted, both for academic and the outdoor activities, including military training. The best Ramadandee of the year, from class XII, is awarded the "Governor of Maharashtra Sword" of Honor.